snare&racket “What did god do to people he didn't like?
What did god do to people that did not obey?
What did god do to those that broke his laws?
He..... KILLED them. God did not look down on the flood and pour water on babies, children and all but 8 of mankind out of LOVE, it was in anger and as a PUNISHMENT.
So even the bible, communicating the activity, words and thoughts of god makes clear that death is not just a BAD thing, but a PUNISHMENT.”
An excellent post. However, may I remind you that the new generation of Christians has become very slippery and openly declares that the bible is not the word of their god. Personal revelation is now back in vogue.
Only selected bible passages taken from a friendly translation, that fits in with carefully chosen beliefs promoting Jesus’ kindness, are permissible in any discussion about all things spiritual.